Thursday, March 11, 2010

Someone Came Looking

It had to of been at least three months ago. Me and my roommate at the time were walking around the neighborhood. Most of our walks we took involved a great deal of philosophy, speculation, introspection, and other things of the sort.

He struck me with an interesting question. I paused for a moment and struck my lighter and thought as I watched the end of my cigarette catch fire and begin to glow. "What is it like on the inside of your mind." I took a drag and exhaled giving him a puzzled look. He begin to describe the contents of his mind. I will not go into the details mainly because I respect his privacy.

So having an idea as to where he was leading the conversation, I closed my eyes and began to disconnect. It wasn't long before it was perfectly clear..

My mind appeared as a vast forest. There was but a single narrow path that I found my feet firmly planted. It was over grown and looked as if it hadn't been traveled in thousands of years. The sky was a dim grey... a fine mist filled the air. I could feel my skin tighten as the hairs began to stand on end. It was a beautiful sight, but heartbreaking in the same. It was such an isolated and lonesome place. I kept walking to find puddles scattered about the path.. as I looked down I could see reflections of my memories, ideas, and feelings.

I don't expect anyone to truly understand... which is why the forest in the silence of my mind had always been a lonesome place.

Strangely enough, in the past couple of days that has begun to change. Her voice penetrated the branches and gently chimed in my ears. It resonated a peace in my soul. She came looking for me... for the first time in my life, I don't feel so isolated.. for the first time... I don't feel so alone.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Threshold

This first post marks the beginning of my final attempt at creating a collection of my writings. With my prior attempts at creating such a place, I have found myself aggravated and disgusted with lacking expression in the words that I had haphazardly spat upon the page. In my frustration I had removed them and completely alienated the blog from existence. Yet here I am again looking for an outlet. I will again lay down the strands of my mind on this page. Hopefully it will not end in failure and tossed to the waste basket with my prior frustrations.

So I invite you to come and read. I'm sure it will only have but maybe one or two readers. However, that is not its purpose. Its purpose is to provide a safe haven for my thoughts and feelings. Your opinions are not necessary. But, if you feel the need to comment please keep it nice and tidy. I havn't the time to put up with insolence and ignorance.

Have a nice day.